The Agility Decade (2020-2029)

This video is important for anyone involved in aviation, and really any business at all.

Says Perry Marshall; “This is the decade of 95/5, not 80/20. Frictionless systems run flawlessly… until suddenly they don’t work at all. Google is frictionless and free… until one day the search engine goes down for twelve hours. The electrical grid works perfectly until a substation goes up in flames – and you can’t even pump gas.”

“This means opportunity landscapes that were long impenetrable will suddenly, without warning, have gaping holes. This is how opportunities will present themselves in 2020-2029. Yawning crevices in the ground after a Richter-9 earthquake.

Your secret to success this decade is YOU maintaining the bandwidth, clarity, space, resources… money in savings or lines of credit… social capital and ingenuity… to innovate a solution when “frictionless” systems suddenly break.

This demands YOU not being so codependent and consumed with feeding the system that your life and career shatter when it breaks.

At least one major platform will experience a catastrophic outage. There will be opportunities only 100 billion dollar corporations can meet – yet also innumerable ten thousand dollar and million dollar opportunities, that ordinary, agile men and women can seize.

There is nothing more numbing or sense-deadening than throwing yourself into activity just because it makes you feel productive. There has never been a time when it was easier to sleepwalk… yet standing watch has never been more urgent. Sleep with one eye open.

This is the decade to think strategically about everything you do… and don’t do. This is the decade to say NO to 80% of what crosses your path… maybe 95%. Most opportunities are fool’s gold.

In 2029 when you look back… ONE thing you said yes to will have made all the difference. The only reason you were able to say YES to the prince was you said NO to 19 frogs.”

Source: Perry Marshall;

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