Is it Too Late for Companies & Individuals to Protect Funds, with Bitcoin?

Is it too late for companies & individuals to protect funds, with Bitcoin?

Yes, and no.

It depends on these 3 specific things;

  1. are you willing to accept the risk of a significant downturn in the price of Bitcoin?
  2. are you able to defend against this risk, by dollar cost averaging (DCA) – buying a little each week or each month?
  3. are you willing to be patient & start small, with a 1% position of your corporate treasury, or personal investment portfolio, dedicated to Bitcoin?

If the answer is,”no” to any of the above questions, then Bitcoin specifically, and cryptocurrencies in general are not for you.

If the answer is, “yes” to all three questions, then it is appropriate to proceed, with specific risk-controls in place that we can recommend for your exact situation.

For more info & a free analysis for qualifying companies on how to protect your funds against; inflation, deflation, economic stress, bank failures, disruption & more please CONTACT US

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